Company is a groundbreaking comedy by Stephen Sondheim and George Furth, brought to Broadway with the vision of the Tony Award-winning Marianne Elliot. This musical comedy also marks the return to Broadway of two-time Tony Award as well as two-time Grammy Award-winning Patti LuPone. The show sparkles with a talented cast, armed with multiple Grammys, Tonys, and side-splitting jokes under their belts. For lovers of the classic rom-com based in New York, this musical takes you on a ride of nostalgia peppered with laughs. And if you’re an admirer of classic songs such as “The Ladies Who Lunch” and the hit number “Being Alive”, then this production’s renditions will get your foot tapping in no time!
Company tells the story of Bobbie, stunning and yet still single in her 30s. As she turns 35, all her friends can only sing one tune – why isn’t Bobbie married yet? Plagued by question after question about her romantic plans and her pursuit to find the right man, Bobbie reiterates her reluctance to commit just yet. All this prodding and poking could drive anyone up the wall. Bobbie looks for answers and comes to realize that being single and being married in New York in the 21st century, are both sure shot ways to lose the plot.
Writer: George Furth
Direction: Marianne Elliott
Music: Stephen Sondheim
Choreographer : Liam Steel
Note: Producers can not guarantee the appearance of any particular artist, which is always subject to illness and holidays.
With musical maestro Stephen Sondheim’s award-winning songs, who could say no to watching live renditions of "The Ladies Who Lunch," "Side by Side by Side", and “Being Alive” – to name just a few - in this delightful musical comedy.
Built in 1927, the Bernard B. Jacobs Theatre was formerly known as the Royale. The theater was designed by Herbert J. Krapp in the “modern Spanish style”. The theater’s facade and its interior have both been designated as New York City Landmarks. The first production to grace its stage was Rang Tang in July 1927.
Seating Capacity: 1092
Bernard B. Jacobs Theatre Seating Plan will help you find the best seats in the theatre.
Address: 242 W 45th St, New York, NY 10036, United States
Tube: The nearest subway station to the theatre is 42nd Street – Port Authority Bus Terminal on the A, C and E lines
Bus: M20 , M104, SIM8, SIM22 and SIM25
Available Facilities: Wheelchair Accessibility, Restroom , Concessions, Assisted Listening Device , Water Fountains, Payphone
Accessibility: Bernard B. Jacobs Theatre welcomes disabled guests and strives to make the show accessible for everyone
Security: Please be aware that for your comfort and security all audience members will be subject to security checks upon arrival at the Bernard B. Jacobs Theatre.
Dress Code: Smart and casual wear is recommended. Keep in mind, the theater is air-conditioned throughout the year and can get a bit chilly.
Outside Food: Strictly prohibited
Buy your Company tickets online at for a hassle-free and convenient experience that ensures the best deals and discounts.
The cost of the Company tickets will vary depending on the type of seats you choose. Click here to know more.
The best way to buy cheap or discounted Company tickets is to book them online as you will often come across attractive discounts. Book your Company tickets in advance as they tend to get more expensive closer to the show date.
You can easily buy last-minute Company tickets at You can even visit the TKTS booth at Times Square Square to procure cheap and last-minute Company Tickets. However, the only way to purchase Company Tickets at the TKTS booth is in person so be prepared for long queues.
Booking Company tickets online will give you the opportunity to select your specific seats, thus, ensuring you do not get stuck with partial view seating. But if you try your luck with lottery tickets, or purchase day seats, your seats will be allocated at the discretion of the Box Office, which can potentially mean partial view seating or split seats.
Company opens on 2nd Mar 2020 at Bernard B. Jacobs Theatre.
Company does not have a strict age limit. However, it is most suitable for children of 8 and above.
Company is playing at Bernard B. Jacobs Theatre in Broadway.
Company has a range of delightful songs to enthrall audiences. Listen to top songs such as "The Ladies Who Lunch," "Side by Side by Side", and “Being Alive”. You can find the Company playlist here.
If your child is above the age of 5, you do need to purchase a Company ticket for your child
Generally, children above 5 years are expected to pay full price for a Broadway theatre ticket. However, Kids Night, an event on Broadway that takes place every month, lets children aged 6-18 attend many Broadway shows for free as long as they are accompanied by an adult who has paid for a full-price ticket.
The running time of Company is 2 hrs 35 mins with one intermission.
Company tells the story of Bobbie, stunning and yet still single in her 30s. As she turns 35, all her friends can only sing one tune – why isn’t Bobbie married yet? Company is a groundbreaking comedy by Stephen Sondheim and George Furth.
The main stars of Company is Katrina Lenk as Bobbie and CPatti LuPone as Joanne
There is no specific dress code at Broadway. However, it is prudent to dress in semi casuals or smart casuals and something comfortable. Carry a light sweater or a jacket as the theatre can get a bit chilly.
No, outside food is not allowed while attending Company. Most theatres do have a cafeteria or bar inside the premises where you can get snacks and drinks.
Bernard B. Jacobs Theatre has multiple facilities including Payphone , Waterfountain , Elevator , Restrooms.
Photography, videography, and sound recording are prohibited inside the theatre. Some theatres do have a souvenir shop from where you can purchase pictures of stills of the show.