The Ethel Barrymore Theatre, located at 243 West 47th Street in Midtown Manhattan, is a historic Broadway venue named in honor of renowned actress Ethel Barrymore. Designed by Herbert J. Krapp, it opened in 1928 and is the sole surviving theater built exclusively for performers affiliated with the Shubert brothers. With a seating capacity of 1368, the theater has hosted iconic productions. It continues to be a vibrant part of the Broadway community.
1058 Seats
Water Fountain
The Ethel Barrymore Theatre was built in 1911.
The address of the Ethel Barrymore Theatre is 1634 Broadway, New York, New York, 10019.
The seating capacity of the Ethel Barrymore Theatre is 1,508.
The theatre has no specific dress code. Audiences are encouraged to wear comfortable and suitable attire for the occasion during all performances. Additionally, the theatre is air-conditioned in the summer months.