Experience the magic of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, a captivating continuation of the wizarding story staged at the Lyric Theatre. Dive into a new chapter set 19 years after the book series' conclusion.
The play picks up 19 years after Harry Potter's school days. Now a Ministry of Magic worker and father of three, Harry faces new challenges. His son Albus struggles under the weight of the Potter legacy, leading to a dramatic tale where past and present collide with unforeseen consequences.
While not necessary, familiarity with the books or films enriches the experience, as the play builds directly on them.
The world premiere took place at the Palace Theatre in London in 2016, coinciding with Harry Potter's fictional birthday. The success expanded to Broadway and other cities globally.
Jack Thorne wrote the play based on an idea developed with J.K. Rowling and John Tiffany. Thorne is known for plays like A Christmas Carol and TV adaptations, including His Dark Materials.
The current cast includes Steve Haggard as Harry Potter, Erik C. Peterson as Scorpius Malfoy, Joel Meyers as Albus Potter, David Abeles as Ron Weasley, Cara Ricketts as Hermione Granger, Angela Reed as Ginny, Maya Thomas as Rose Granger-Weasley, Aaron Bartz as Draco Malfoy, Imani Jane Bruce as Delphi Diggory.
The play is performed at the Lyric Theatre on Broadway, in New York, its original venue.
The full experience of Harry Potter and the Cursed Child is 3 hours and 30 minutes, split into two parts with breaks.
The production boasts 6 Tony Awards and 9 Olivier Awards, including Best Play and Best Direction, confirming its global success.
Don't miss the chance to witness this iconic extension of the Harry Potter story, with Harry Potter and the Cursed Child live at the Lyric Theatre, where the magic continues.